Sunflower Field Wedding Photography – Janis Joplin Inspired Same Sex Picnic Elopement – Six Hearts Photography – Friendors Inspiration Collaboration

Heya. You guys saw of our first ever Inspiration Collaboration over on Six Hearts and FEATURED ON ROCK N ROLL BRIDE. But you haven’t seen it here except for a sneak peek! So we’re sharing a few of our favorite images with a link to see more!

Same-Sex-Sunflower-Field-Wedding-Brooke-+-Cheyenne-Elopement-Picnic-Six-Hearts-Photography-47 Same-Sex-Sunflower-Field-Wedding-Brooke-+-Cheyenne-Elopement-Picnic-Six-Hearts-Photography-83 Same-Sex-Sunflower-Field-Wedding-Brooke-+-Cheyenne-Elopement-Picnic-Six-Hearts-Photography-85 Same-Sex-Sunflower-Field-Wedding-Brooke-+-Cheyenne-Elopement-Picnic-Six-Hearts-Photography-41 Same-Sex-Sunflower-Field-Wedding-Brooke-+-Cheyenne-Elopement-Picnic-Six-Hearts-Photography-39 Same-Sex-Sunflower-Field-Wedding-Brooke-+-Cheyenne-Elopement-Picnic-Six-Hearts-Photography-82 Same-Sex-Sunflower-Field-Wedding-Brooke-+-Cheyenne-Elopement-Picnic-Six-Hearts-Photography-88 Same-Sex-Sunflower-Field-Wedding-Brooke-+-Cheyenne-Elopement-Picnic-Six-Hearts-Photography-13


Location: Private Sunflower Field, Atlanta, GA








Getaway Vehicle: KALE CARTER


4 Ways To Get Motivated About The Industry Again – Friendors Consultancy

Feeling jaded, burnt out? We know how it feels and we’re here to tell you that it’s normal to encounter boredom many years into your career – we think most people, regardless of what industry they are in, can get stuck doing things a certain way and get bored or burnt out on something they in actuality love, without realizing. (if you’re encountering these feelings too early on in your career, maybe you should reconsider your path instead of looking for ways to get motivated?)

You know you’re a die hard wedding and party fan, you know you love the industry, but are just a little worn out after years of wedding and event seasons – that’s okay. We’re sure Britney Spears has days where she doesn’t want to go on stage because she’s not feeling it. But you know what she does? She battles through like a Diva and loves every minute of it, finding new ways to enjoy it, and falls in love with performing over and over again – just like you do (and can do) with your business.

So, here are 4 simple ways to get you motivated about this incredible industry again.

  1. Go to a conference – they excite like no other. The classes (if you choose wisely from the line ups) are totally beneficial and educational, get you pumped like a mofo, and have you coming home with so many new ideas. But it doesn’t stop there (man, I swear). They also have PARTIES at these conferences. And guess what? These parties are for YOU. Yes, that’s right – after a lifetime of making other peoples parties bomb ass, you get a bomb ass one for you and all your Friendors. After watching everyone else drink and have fun event after event after event (times almost every weekend of the year), you get to grab yourself a few cocktails and shake your cute lil thang. And when you’re dancing like a wild child in the middle of the dance floor or talking with an entrepreneur you admire that you got to meet after class, you remember why you began in the party industry to begin with – you love events and want everyone to have this heart exploding feeling you feel right in this moment. Going to your own party makes you appreciate all parties.
  2. Attend a wedding without any expectations. This one is a little difficult because it’s mostly in our heads. We all get caught up with wanting every wedding to be the prettiest wedding ever, the one wedding that makes us go viral online and makes the phone start ringing so much that you have to hire a team of receptionists (the dream!). We want these things so badly that we forget about the couples and create expectations in our head and are let down by our own fault, instead of appreciating each love story for what it is – beautiful. We challenge you (and ourselves!!) to go to a wedding without any expectations. Don’t be sad if a couple spends 500 on flowers instead of 5,000. Don’t think DIY means ugly (we’ve found it to usually mean the opposite because artists do DIY weddings often). Don’t think about how you would have done it if it were yours. It’s not yours – it’s theirs and it’s perfect and you should just enjoy the honor of being a part of it.
  3. Do something just for you at the wedding. We know we just told you that it’s all about the couple and to drop your expectations at the door, but if you’re feeling down – go in with plans to do something just for you to make you enjoy the night. We once told a DJ who was tiring of playing the same top 40’s music every weekend to choose a song he really dug before each wedding, whether it was one the crowd would know or not, and make plans to play it. Just for himself. Mix it in some fun way to make it about the crowd so they enjoy it too. It will rejuvenate you to go in and get something you want out of an event and to see other people digging it.
  4. Personal projects are where it’s at. By personal projects, we mean a couple of things. We mean personal as in nothing to do with your career personal, and personal as in a decision to make your career more fun personal. Styled shoots are a great form of personal projects – the kind that make your career more fun which makes your personal life better. It’s your chance to do what you would do if it were yours (it’s okay to have those thoughts, just not at every wedding!). You’re tired of seeing the same style weddings every weekend? Design something you want and get it published and put it on your website. You sell what you show so if you show what you want, your personal life gets better because you enjoy your weddings more. And don’t stress over it – these personal projects aren’t things you have to do and you shouldn’t treat them like work, even if it helps your work life. They’re projects. Fun art projects.

Until next time, click here to read more Friendor Tips.